Material Properties Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1                 2      3      
5                   6        
 8                9       10     
13                    14       
     15       16               
   18               19         
  21    22                    23   
    26            27           


2. The unit of force named after Sir Isaac
5. Polymer that softens with heat
7. Mass per unit volume - kg/m3
8. How well electricity flows through
11. How well heat flows through
12. The ability to withstand wear and tear through weathering and corrosive attack
16. A test which pushes a ball bearing into the material
18. How well the flow of electricity is resisted
22. Sqeeze
24. Polymers which will not melt
25. Measured in ohms
26. A material that absorbs impact is ------
27. Does not conduct electricity
28. The unit of mass


1. The unit of length
3. The unit of resistance
4. The crystalline structure of metals
6. Porcelain, stoneware and china are all ---------
9. A test which pushes a cone into the material
10. Steel, gold, copper and aluminium are all -------
13. A material which lets electricity or heat to flow through is a ----------
14. A measure of how easily a material can be scratched or indented.
15. Defects in the grain structure
17. To hit or collide
19. Plastics are ------------------
20. Heating a metal to allow recrystallisation and softening.
21. Use the word polymer instead.
23. A test which pushes a pyramid into the material